Volunteer Spotlight: Rui Au, MA ‘23

May 30, 2024

Rui Au, MA '23

Rui Au, MA Security Policy Studies '23

Current Volunteer Role: Volunteer, Asian and Pacific Islander Alumni Network


How long have you been a GW volunteer and what is your role?

I have been a GW volunteer for just under a year. My current role is a committee member of the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Alumni Network.

Why do you choose to volunteer, and what have you gained from the experience?

I chose to volunteer because I received so many wonderful opportunities from GW when I was a student, and I would like to give back to my alma mater. This volunteer experience has challenged me and has taught me many lessons, and I gained a sense of accomplishment when my events were able to make meaningful impacts on the alumni.

Are there any upcoming events or initiatives within the Asian & Pacific Islander Alumni Network that you're excited about?

I am excited about our upcoming event discussing Asian American and Pacific Islander voter issues, which will take place this fall.

Do you have any advice for fellow alumni who want to get involved with GW?

People may think volunteering is a thankless job, however, your contributions will have positive impacts on the university, the alumni, and the current students, who will become alumni one day. Don’t let anyone or anything discourage you from getting involved!